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  • Location : Bobigny, France
Last update 2018-07-12 14:16:06.724

Christine LE ROY Researcher at INSERM

Course and current status

Education and degrees awarded:

- 1998: PhD’s degree « Metabolism, Endocrinology et Nutrition », University Lyon 1, France; 

- 2008: Senior lecturer/associate professor qualification (Sections 64 and 65), France; 

2013:« Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches», Université Paris 13 Nord, France;

Education and training:

- 1995-1998 (PhD) “Autocrine/paracrine regulation of steroidogenic cell differentiated functions by TGFb1” INSERM-INRA U418, Lyon, France (MRT grant) (Dr. J. M. SAEZ); 

- 1999-2007 (Postdoc) “TGFbreceptor signaling and trafficking” Toronto, Canada (INSERM and MRC grants) (Dr. J. L. WRANA)

- 2007-2008 (Postdoc)“B cell receptor signal alterations and chronic lymphocytic leukemia” INSERM U567-UMR 8104, Paris, France (Paris-Bio Price, ARC and FRM grants), (Dr. N. VARIN-BLANK) 


-since 2009: Researcher at INSERM


Linguistic skills:

French (mother tongue) and English

Scientific summary

My current translational research aims consist on understanding how dysfunctions in the regulation of signaling proteins and their complexes contribute to the development of the chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL); a clonal CD5+B cell hemopathy that is biologically and clinically heterogeneous and remains incurable. My efforts are centered on the functional delineation of key adaptors and their complexes in the pathophysiology. Notably, they are focusing on studying the B cell receptor (BCR) signaling pathway in CLL cell survival and migration capacities in order to identify functional biomarkers and to establish the clinical relevance of the signaling cascade.  

Key words: Translational research, B cell, survival, migration, BCR signalling pathway, signalosome, phosphorylation, CLL, sub-population, soluble factors, functional biomarkers, clinical relevance

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