Engineer & Doctor (PhD) in Computer Science (Telecom ParisTech)
ORCID: 0000-0001-9058-9290
Technical Advisory Board Chair of RDA
Scientific Board Member of ORAP
Head of Research & Development in Computer Science (R&D)
Head of the Computational Science Coordination at Inserm (CISI)
Head of the e-infrastructures team
R&D provides the best practices in HPC, Grids, Cloud Computing, parallel computing, Research data management, Big data, Machine Learning for the 300 Inserm Research Units
The R&D involves the following fields:
- Medical imaging and preclinical imaging
- Bioinformatics and molecular analysis
- Mathematical and theoretical biology, Biostatistics
- Molecular modeling and chemoinformatics
- e-health, Knowledge engineering
- Medical robotics, interventional techniques
- Medical cyber physical systems
- Particle therapy
- Computer simulations
Ongoing European projects: EOSC-LIFE WP6 leader (FAIRification and provenance services)
Involved in: France Medecine Genomique 2025 (CAD), Dassault Systemes partnership, Plan transversal Variabilité du Génome
Domains of expertise: e-infrastructures, Algorithmics, Parallel computing, Grids and HPC, Cloud Computing, Research data management, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (deep learning), Model Based Systems Engineering, Integration of formal methods in software engineering
Teaching: Algorithmics, Software and systems architecture, Cloud Computing, Software Engineering, UML, SysML, AADL, TLA+, PVS
Associate professor @Ecole Centrale de Paris, CNAM
Publications (not in PubMed) in dblp
PhD/HDR Supervising activities:
- PhDs Advisor of Daniel Salas (parallel computing), Inserm
- Athlone doctoral symposium(reviewer of 4 PhDs)
- Examiner of the PhD jury of Neeraj Kumar Singh (Loria, France)
- Reviewer of Alfredo Motta PhD thesis (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
- Examiner of Andreas Bollin HDR (Klagenfurt, Austria)
- Examiner of Mohamed Karasad PhD thesis (IMT, France)
- Examiner of Ronan Baduel PhD thesis (IRIT, France)
PC chair, PC member of many conferences (IEEE ICECCS 2011, IEEE ICECS 2012...UML&FM, UML&AADL, FHIES 2012...FMSEET 2015)