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Last update 2018-09-06 13:10:04.499

Annick FONTBONNE MD-PhD Epidemiology and Public Health

Course and current status

Training: Medical studies, Clermont-Ferrand University, 1974-1981 - Medical resident, Endocrinology-Diabetology, Nancy University Hospital, 1980-1983 - Researcher in training, Diabetes Epidemiology, Inserm-U21, Villejuif, 1984-1986 - Lecturer/hospital assistant, Paris 5 and 6 Universities and Broussais and Cochin hospitals, 1987-1988

Tenured researcher, Inserm (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research), since 1989

Present position: CESP Inserm U1018, Villejuif & CIC Inserm 1411, Montpellier

Scientific summary

Research interests:

Metabolic syndrome as a risk factor for type 2 diabetes and its cardiovascular complications. Past noteworthy contributions: Analyses of the Paris Prospective Study relating plasma insulin to higher risk of ischemic heart disease - Coordination and conduction of the BIGPRO trial, first attempt to test, vs. placebo, an insulin sensitising agent, metformin, for correcting metabolic abnormalities in upper-body obese, non-diabetic subjects - Analyses of the CALDIA Study (DIAbetes in New-CALedonia) showing unusual presentation of the metabolic syndrome in Polynesians.

Evaluation of health services for management of diabetes and other nutrition-related chronic diseases. Past contribution: Evaluation of pilot experiences of organized care and education for type 2 diabetic patients in the Languedoc-Roussillon region. Present research project: Management of hypertension and type 2 diabetes in primary care setting in Brazil, as a possible model for other emerging and developing countries.

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