University degree
1992 : PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology with official congratulations. University of Rouen.
Research activities
2007-present : Research Director at INSERM UMR U1048. Head of team 7 « obesity and heart failure program ».
2000-2006 : Team "Cardiac and vegetative adaptations » INSERM U586, Toulouse.
1997-2000 : Mobility to INSERM U317, Toulouse.
1995-1997 : INSERM Researcher at INSERM 78, Rouen.
1993-1995: Postdoctoral training at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA.
1988-1992 : Master and PhD at INSERM U78, Rouen.
Expertises :
Molecular Biology, gene expression, cell biology, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, cardiology, obesity, heart failure, metabolism.
Expert for the National Research Agency
Member of INSERM national evaluation committee (2008-2012)
External expert for the Austrian Science Foundation.
External expert for Mount Sinaï Medical School, NY, USA.
Referee for : Circulation, Physiological Genomics, Am. J. Physiol., Kidney Int, Acta Physiologica, J. Prot Research, Proteomics, PLoS ONE...
Academic editor : PloS ONE
Obesity is associated with enhanced mortality risk and cardiovascular morbidity. Frequent association of adipose tissue adipokines secretions dysregulations with arterial hypertension promotes myocardial remodeling and heart failure (HF) development. We have recently shown, in a dog nutritional obesity model and in humans, early specific heart transcriptome regulation, specific to obesity and independent form heart left ventricular remodeling or arterial blood pressure. Amongst genes specifically regulated, a number of genes encoding for unknown proteins has been identified. Using functional genomic, proteomic and metabolomic approaches we wish to answer to the following questions:
1) What are the functions of the new obesity-regulated genes in heart ? This field of investigation has started by the study of a new heart-produced apolipoprotein that we named Apolipoprotein O (in accordance with international classification).
2) What are the adipokines actions on heart remodeling associated with obesity ? We have recently studied the cardiac role for leptin in a obese rat model. New adipokines features will be investigated in heart and cardiomyocytes at the transcriptome, metabolome and functional level. This project may lead to a better understanding of adipokines' roles in cardiac remodeling and could propose new pharmacological targets.
3) What are the blood biomarkers of asymptomatic left ventricular dysfunction (ALVD) ? The search for such biomarkers is of major importance in human health, treatment of obese individuals and for detection of very early
stages of HF. Using microarrays gene expression profiling, SELDI-TOF proteome analysis and NMR metabolites profiling, we will search for a specific blood profile for ALVD.