Rebecca A Piskorowski
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  • Phone : +33 1 40 78 86 66
  • Location : Paris, France
Last update 2024-08-12 14:52:56.475

Rebecca A Piskorowski PhD Biophysics, Stanford University

Course and current status

Current Position. Team leader, DR2, Sorbonne University, Institute of Biology Paris Seine, Neuroscience Paris Seine, CNRS UMR8246 / INSERM U1130 / UMPC UMCR18, Team Synaptic and Network Plasticity

January 2017 September 2023. Co-team leader, DR2; INSERM UMR1266 Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris; Team Synaptic Plasticity and Neural Networks

September 2012 – December 2016. Co-team leader, CNRS UMR8118 Laboratory of Brain Physiology; Team Synaptic Plasticity and Neural Networks

June 2011 – September 2012: Researcher, CNRS UMR8118 Laboratory of Brain Physiology

June 2006 – June 2011: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Neuroscience, Columbia University   Medical Center; Supervisor: Steven Siegelbaum

 January 2005 – May 2006: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California at San Francisco; Supervisor:  Ellen Lumpkin

August 1998 – January 2005, Doctoral Research; Stanford University Biophysics Program; Doctoral Thesis Advisor: Richard Aldrich; Thesis Title:  "Gating Mechanisms of BK Channels Probed by Structural Perturbations"

May 1995- August 1998: Undergraduate Research, Purdue University; Research Advisor: William Cramer

Scientific summary

To examine the cellular networks and synaptic plasticity underlying social memory in healthy and diseased brains.


Image d’exemple