Rodolphe FISCHMEISTER Ingénieur Supélec, Docteur-Ingénieur (PhD), Docteur ès Sciences
Course and current status
- 1975: B.Sc. (Maths & Physics), University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
- 1978: Engineer Degree, Ecole Supérieure d'Eléctricité, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- 1980: Doctorat-Ingénieur (PhD), Physiology & Biophysics, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
- 1987: Doctorat d'Etat ès Sciences Naturelles, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
- 1981-1982: Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physiology & Biophysics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
- 1982-1983: Research Associate in Anatomy, Dept of Anatomy, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- 1983-1989: Research Associate INSERM, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
- 1989-1992: Director of Research INSERM, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
- 1992-1995: Director of Research INSERM, Head of Laboratory INSERM CJF 92-11, University Paris-Sud, Faculty of Pharmacy, Châtenay-Malabry, France
- 1998-2001: Head of Institute IFR75 – Signalisation et Innovation Thérapeutique, University Paris-Sud, Faculty of Pharmacy, Châtenay-Malabry, France
- 2003-2004: Visiting Professor, Department of Cell Biology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- 1996-2005: Director of Research INSERM, Head of Laboratory INSERM U446, University Paris-Sud, Faculty of Pharmacy, Châtenay-Malabry, France
- 2006-2014: Director of Research INSERM, Head of Laboratory INSERM U769, University Paris-Sud, Faculty of Pharmacy, Châtenay-Malabry, France
- 2006-2010: Head of Institute IFR141 - Innovation Thérapeutique: du Fondamental au Médicament, University Paris-Sud, Faculty of Pharmacy, Châtenay-Malabry, France
- 2011-: Director of Research INSERM “Classe Exceptionnelle”
- 2011-: Head of the Laboratory of Excellence in Research on Medication and Innovative Therapeutics (LabEx LERMIT)
- 2015-2020: Vice-Dean of Research of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University Paris-Sud
- 2016-2020: Chairman of the Department of Life Sciences of the University Paris-Saclay
- 2020-2022 : Deputy Research Vice-President of Paris-Saclay University (Life Sciences)
- 1978-1980: Délégation Générale à la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Pre-doctoral Research Fellowship
- 1981-1982: Nova Scotia Heart Foundation Post-doctoral Research Fellowship
- 1982-1983: NIH Post-doctoral Research Fellowship
- Head of INSERM Laboratory (1992-)
- Founder and Head of the Institute of Signaling and Therapeutic Innovation (IFR75 ISIT) (1998-2001)
- Founder and Head of the Institute of Therapeutic Innovation (IFR141 ITFM) (2006-)
- Member (nominated) of INSERM Study Section CSS6 (1999-2002)
- Member (elected) of the Research Council of the Faculty of Pharmacy of University Paris-Sud (1998-2001)
- Member (elected) of the Research Council of the University Paris-Sud (2001-2004)
- Editor for Journal of Physiology (1997-2005)
- Editor for British Journal of Pharmacology (1999-2002)
- Associate Editor for Cardiovascular Research (2013-2017)
- Editorial board for Circulation (2016-)
- Reviewer for: American Journal of Physiology - Biochemical Pharmacology - Biophysical Journal - British Journal of Pharmacology – Cardiovascular Research – Cell Calcium – Circulation – Circulation Research – Cytoskeleton – European Journal of Neuroscience – FASEB Journal – FEBS Letters – Hypertension – Journal of the American College of Cardiology – Journal of Cell Science – Journal of Cellular Physiology – Journal of Cell Science – Journal of Clinical Investigation – Journal of General Physiology – Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology – Journal of Pharmacology & Experimental Therapeutics – Journal of Physiology - Molecular Pharmacology – Nature Communications – Pediatric Research – Pflügers Archiv – Physiological Reviews – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA – Regulatory Peptides
- Member (elected) of Academia Europaea (2007-)
- Expert for the AERES and HCERES (2007-)
- Expert Panel member for the Government of Canada - Networks of Excellence of Canada (2012, 2017)
- Member (nominated) of INSERM Study Section CSS4 (2008-2012)
- President (elected) of INSERM Study Section CSS4 (2008-2012)
- Member (nominated) of the Scientific Council of the Lefoulon-Delalande Fondation (2009-)
- Member (nominated) of the Scientific Council for the ISHR-ES/Servier Fellowship (2010, 2012)
- Member (nominated) of the Scientific Council for the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale for Cardiovascular Research (2011)
- Council member (elected) of the ISHR European Section (2010-)
- Member of the External Advisory Committee of the “Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde” (CICS-Universita di Beira Interior), Covilha, Portugal (2010-)
- Brutsaert Lecturer of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology (2010)
- Expert Panel member for the Government of Canada - Networks of Excellence of Canada (2012)
- Founder and Head of the Laboratory of Excellence in Research on Medication and Innovative Therapeutics (LabEx LERMIT) (2011-)
- Recipient of the Jeanne-Philippe Beziat Cardiology Prize of the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (2012)
- Nominated FISHR - Fellow of the International Society for Heart Research (2013)
- Expert Panel member for the Université Libre de Bruxelles (2013)
- Member of the external advisory board of the Department of Cardiovascular Sciences in Leuven, Belgium (2016)
- Recipient of the Alain Castaigne Prize of the Société Française de Cardiologie and AstraZeneca (2014)
- Expert Panel member for the University Medical Center Utrecht (2014)
- President of the ISHR European Section (2016-2018). Past-president (2018-2021)
- Council member of the ISHR-International (2015-)
- Membre Honoris Causa de la Société de Physiologie Slovaque (2014)
- FEPS Keynote Lecturer, Kaunas, Lithuania (2015)
- Keith Reimer Distinguished Lecture award, ISHR World Congress (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016)
- Chairman of the Gordon Research Conference on Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases (Girona, Spain, 2016)
- Recipient of the Grand Prix Lamonica de Cardiologie de l’Académie des Sciences (2016)
- Carmeliet-Coraboeuf-Weidmann (CCW) Lecture award of the European Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology from the European Society of Cardiology (2019)
- President of the Scientific Council of the FRM Beziat Rouanet Prize (2018-2021)
- Past-president of the ISHR European Section (2018-2021)
- Peter Harris Distinguished Scientist award of the International Society for Heart Research (ISHR) (2022)
- Academia Europaea
- Biophysical Society
- Physiological Society
- International Society for Heart Research (council member)
- American Heart Association
- Société de Biologie (council member)
PARTICIPATION TO MEETINGS (since 2010, invited, from >170 total)
- Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, Translational Winter Research Meeting on Heart Failure, 27-30 January 2010, Les Diablerets, Switzerland (Brutsaert Keynote Lecture)
- Symposium on Scientific Basis for the Practice of Cardiology, 8-11 April 2010, Prague, Czech Republic
- Printemps de la Cardiologie, Nantes, France, April 15-17, 2010.
- Heart Failure 2010, 29 May – 1st June 2010, Berlin, Germany
- The 5th International Symposium on the Mammalian Myocardium, 27-29 June 2010, Manchester, United Kingdom
- 2ème Journée Scientifique de la FR3209 Bioingénierie Moléculaire, Cellulaire et Thérapeutique, Nancy, France, 2nd July 2010.
- Frontiers in Computational Electrocardiology III, Focus on Systems Biology, 11 November 2010, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
- EUGeneHeart Symposium, 3rd December 2010, Brussels, Belgium.
- Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, Translational Winter Research Meeting on Heart Failure, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 26-29 January 2011.
- Printemps de la Cardiologie, Lyon, France, May 12-14, 2011.
- ISHR European Section Annual meeting 2011, Haifa, Israel, 26-29 June 2011.
- European Society of Cardiology 2011 Congress, Paris-Nord Villepinte, 27-31 August 2011.
- International Conference on Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction: Basic mechanisms, Budapest, Hungary, 23-25 September 2011.
- Société de Biologie – Séance sur les Nouvelles avancées en cardiologie expérimentale et clinique, Paris, 19 Octobre 2011 (invited organiser and speaker).
- Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, Translational Winter Research Meeting on Heart Failure, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 18-21 January 2012.
- Printemps de la Cardiologie, Bordeaux, France, April 12-13, 2012.
- Gordon Research Conference on Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases, Il Ciocco, Italy, May 20-25, 2012.
- Heart Failure Congress 2012, Belgrade, Serbia, 19-22 May 2012.
- New Frontiers in Basic Cardiovascular Research 2012, 10th Meeting of France – New EU Member Countries, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic, 12-15 June 2012 (organizer and keynote lecture).
- European Society of Cardiology Working Group on Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology, Nantes, France, 15-16 September 2012 (keynote lecture).
- Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, Translational Winter Research Meeting on Heart Failure, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 23-26 January 2013.
- Novel Functions for Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases and their Implications for Pharmacological Intervention, ASPET Annual Meeting at Experimental Biology, April 20-24, 2013, Boston, USA.
- Heart Failure Congress 2013, 25-28 May 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
- 3rd International Workshop on cAMP on protein kinase and phosphodiesterases: from genetics to function and human diseases, 11-12 May 2013, Paris, France.
- DZHK/SFB1002 Workshop on “Cardiac second messenger microdomains”, 12 September 2013, Göttingen, Germany.
- ITMO CMN - Séminaire Franco-Allemand en Recherche Cardiovasculaire, 22 novembre 2013, Paris, France.
- Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, Translational Winter Research Meeting on Heart Failure, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 22-25 January 2014.
- HFA Translational Research Workshop, Treatments targeting inotropy: New hope for an old concept or “The Emperor´s new clothes”?, Brussels, Belgium, March 10-11, 2014.
- Printemps de la Cardiologie, Strasbourg, France, April 24-25, 2014.
- Rencontres de Cardiologie 2014 « Coeur & Mitochondrie », 21-23 May 2014, Chantilly, France
- Gordon Research Conference on Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases, 1-6 June 12014, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, USA (vice-chair of the conference).
- 11th New Frontiers in Basic Cardiovascular Research conference, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, June 15-19, 2014 (co-organizer).
- 3rd Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology (FCVB) meeting, Barcelona, Spain, 4-6 July 2014.
- ESC Congress 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 30 August - 03 September 2014 (could not attend).
- American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2014, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 15-19 November 2014.
- 25es Journées Européennes de la Société Française de Cardiologie. Paris, France, 14-17 January 2015
- Heart Failure Association of the European Society of Cardiology, Translational Winter Research Meeting on Heart Failure, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 21-24 January 2015.
- 81st Annual Congress of the German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT), Kiel, Germany, 10-12 March 2015.
- 33rd European Section meeting of the International Society for Heart Research, Bordeaux, France, 1-4 July 2015 (co-organizer).
- FEPS 2015, Joint Meeting of the Federation of European Physiological Societies and the Baltic Physiological Societies in Kaunas, Lithuania, 26-29 August 2015.
- XXII ISHR World Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-21 April 2016 (Keith Reimer lecture).
- Rencontres de Cardiologie 2016 « Environnement et risque cardiovasculaire », 1-3 June 2016, Chantilly, France (Chairman).
- Gordon Research Conference on Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases, 12-17 June 2016 (Chairman of the conference)
- 12th «New Frontiers in Basic Cardiovascular Research – A France-New EU Members symposium», Châtenay-Malabry, France; 2-5 July 2016 (co-organizer).
- 4th Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology (FCVB) meeting, Florence, Italy, 8-10 July 2016.
- 5th International Meeting on Anchored cAMP Signaling Pathways, Zermatt, Switzerland, 6-9 October 2016.
- Rencontres de Cardiologie 2017 « Environnement et risque cardiovasculaire », 1-3 June 2016, Chantilly, France.
- 8th International Conference on cGMP Generators, Effectors and Therapeutic Implications, Bamberg, Germany, 23-25 June 2017.
- 34th European Section meeting of the International Society for Heart Research, Hamburg, Germany, 24-27 July 2017 (chairman and co-organizer).
- Printemps de la Cardiologie, Montpellier, France, April 4-6, 2018.
- Gordon Research Conference on Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases, 11-15 June 2018, Newryn ME, USA (Keynote lecturer).
- 35th European Section meeting of the International Society for Heart Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July16-19, 2018
- Annual congress of the European Heart Rhythm Association – EHRA, 11-19 March 2019, Lisbon, Portugal (Carmeliet-Coraboeuf-Weidmann Lecture award).
- International Society for Heart Research - ISHR World Congress XXIII – Healthy Heart, Happy Life, Beijing, China, June 3-6, 2019.
- European Society of Cardiology Congress 2019, 31 August – 4 September 2019, Paris, France.
- EPHAR 2020 conference (European Congress of Pharmacology), December 6-8, 2021 (virtual meeting).
- 6th International Meeting on Anchored cAMP Signaling Pathways. October 6-8, 2020 (virtual meeting).
- 36th European Section meeting of the International Society for Heart Research, Torino, Italy, June 29-July 1st, 2021 (virtual meeting)
- 14th «New Frontiers in Basic Cardiovascular Research – A France-New EU Members symposium», Bratislava, Slovakia, 25-27 may 2022.
- XXIII ISHR World Congress, Berlin, Germany, 12-15 June 2022 (Peter Harris award lecture).
- Printemps de la Cardiologie, Tours, France, June 29-July 1st, 2022 (Opening Keynote Lecture).
- Gordon Research Conference on Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesterases, June 19-24, 2022, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
SEMINARS (since 2010, invited, from >110 total)
- University of Oslo, Dept Pharmacology, Oslo, Norway, 2010
- Cardiovascular Research Institute, Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2010
- Georg August University Medical Center, Göttingen, Germany, 2010
- Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle, University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France, 2010
- University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine, USA, 2011
- Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, USA, 2011
- Groupe de Recherche Servier, Suresnes, France, 2012
- University of Oslo, Center for Heart Failure Research, Oslo, Norway, 2012
- Université Mohammed 1er, Oujda, Morocco, 2012
- Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2012
- Cardiovascular Grand Rounds – CARIM Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 2013
- Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK, 2014
- Jagiellonian Centre for Experimental Therapeutics (JCET), Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 2014
- Graduiertenkolleg 1873, Life and Brain Institute, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 2014
- Groupe de Recherche Servier, Suresnes, France, 2015
- University of Technology Dresden, Institute of Pharmacology, Dresden, Germany, 2015
- University of Manchester, Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, Manchester, UK, 2015
- Institut du Thorax, Université de Nantes, Nantes, 2016
- Bayer, Wuppertal, Germany, 2016
- University of Göttingen, 2017
- University of Torino, 2018
- Groupe de Recherche Servier, Suresnes, France, 2020
- ISHR Webinar Series, 20 April 2020
- Graduiertenkolleg 1873, Universität Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 2020
PUBLICATIONS (>180 total, 25 cited >100 times, >10,000 citations, H-index=58)
10 Major Publications:
- Hartzell, H. C. & Fischmeister, R. (1986). Opposite effects of cyclic GMP and cyclic AMP on Ca2+ current in single heart cells. Nature 323, 273-275. PMID: 2429189
- Méry, P. F., Brechler, V., Pavoine, C., Pecker, F. & Fischmeister, R. (1990). Glucagon stimulates the cardiac Ca2+ current by activation of adenylyl cyclase and inhibition of phosphodiesterase. Nature 345, 158-161. PMID: 2159595
- Méry, P. F., Lohmann, S. M., Walter, U. & Fischmeister, R. (1991). Ca2+ current is regulated by cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase in mammalian cardiac myocytes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88, 1197-1201. PMID: 1705030
- Hartzell, H. C., Méry, P. F., Fischmeister, R. & Szabo, G. (1991). Sympathetic regulation of cardiac calcium current is due exclusively to cAMP-dependent phosphorylation. Nature 351, 573-576. PMID: 1710784
- Jurevičius, J. & Fischmeister, R. (1996). Cyclic AMP compartmentation is responsible for a local activation of cardiac Ca2+ channels by b-adrenergic agonists. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 295-299. PMID: 8552625
- Vandecasteele, G., Eschenhagen, T., Scholz, H., Stein, B., Verde, I. & Fischmeister, R. (1999). Muscarinic and b-adrenergic regulation of heart rate, force of contraction and Ca2+ current is preserved in mice lacking endothelial nitric oxide synthase. Nature Medicine 5, 331-334. PMID: 10086391
- Castro, L. R. V., Verde, I., Cooper, D. M. F. & Fischmeister, R. (2006). Cyclic guanosine monophosphate compartmentation in rat cardiac myocytes. Circulation 113, 2221-2228. PMID: 16651469
- Molina, C. E., Leroy, J., Xie, M., Richter, W., Lee, I.-O., Maack, C., Rucker-Martin, C., Donzeau-Gouge, P., Verde, I., Hove-Madsen, L., Barriga, M., Conti, M., Vandecasteele, G. & Fischmeister, R. (2012). Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase type 4 protects against atrial arrhythmias. J Am Coll Cardiol 59, 2182-2190. PMID: 22676938
- Mehel#, H., Emons#, J., Vettel, C., Wittköpper, K., Seppelt, D., Dewenter, M., Lutz, S., Sossalla, S., Maier, L. S., Lechêne, P., Leroy, J., Lefebvre, F., Varin, A., Eschenhagen, T., Nattel, S., Dobrev, D., Zimmermann, W.-H., Nikolaev, V. O., Vandecasteele, G., Fischmeister, R.* & El-Armouche, A. * (2013). Phoshodiesterase-2 is upregulated in human failing hearts and blunts ß-adrenergic responses in cardiomyocytes. J Am Coll Cardiol 62, 1596-1606 (#,*equal contributions). PMID: 23810893
- Vettel C#, Lindner M#, Dewenter M, Lorenz K, Schanbacher C, Riedel M, Lämmle S, Meinecke S, Mason F, Sossalla S, Geerts A, Hoffmann M, Wunder F, Brunner FJ, Wieland T, Mehel H, Karam S, Lechêne P, Leroy J, Vandecasteele G, Wagner M, Fischmeister R*, El-Armouche A* (2017). Phosphodiesterase 2 protects against catecholamine-induced arrhythmias and preserves contractile function after myocardial infarction. Circ Res. 120,120-132.(#,*equal contributions).PMID: 27799254
- Karam S, Margaria JP, Bourcier A, Mika D, Varin A, Bedioune I, Lindner M, Bouadjel K, Dessillons M, Gaudin F, Lefebvre F, Mateo P, Lechene P, Gomez S, Domergue V, Robert P, Coquard C, Algalarrondo V, Samuel JL, Michel JB, Charpentier F, Ghigo A, Hirsch E, Fischmeister R, Leroy J and Vandecasteele G. (2020) Cardiac overexpression of PDE4B blunts β-adrenergic response and maladaptive remodeling in heart failure. Circulation 142, 161-174.
Major reviews
- Lohmann, S. M., Fischmeister, R. & Walter, U. (1991). Signal transduction by cGMP in heart. Basic Res. Cardiol. 86, 503-514.
- Hartzell, H. C. & Fischmeister, R. (1992). Direct regulation of cardiac Ca channels by G proteins: neither proven nor needed ? Trends Pharmacol. Sci. 13, 380-385.
- Hove-Madsen, L., Méry, P.-F., Jurevičius, J., Skeberdis, A. V. & Fischmeister, R. (1996). Regulation of myocardial calcium channels by cyclic AMP metabolism. Basic Res. Cardiol. 91(Suppl. 2), 1-8.
- Méry, P. F., Abi-Gerges, N., Vandecasteele, G., Jurevičius, J., Eschenhagen, T. & Fischmeister, R. (1997). Muscarinic regulation of the L-type calcium current in isolated cardiac myocytes. Life Sci. 60, 1113-1120.
- Langlois, M. & Fischmeister, R. (2003). 5-HT4 receptor ligands: applications and new prospects. J. Med. Chem. 46, 319-344.
- Fischmeister, R., Castro, L., Abi-Gerges, A., Rochais, F. Vandecasteele, G. (2005) Species- and tissue-dependent effects of NO and cyclic GMP on cardiac ion channels. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 142, 136-143.
- Fischmeister, R. (2006) Is cAMP good or bad? Depends on where it’s made. Circ. Res. 98, 582-584.
- Vandecasteele, G., Rochais, F., Abi-Gerges, A. & Fischmeister, R. (2006). Functional localization of cAMP signalling in cardiac myocytes. Biochem Soc Trans 34, 484-4888.
- Fischmeister, R., Castro, L. R. V., Abi-Gerges, A., Rochais, F., Jurevičius, J., Leroy, J. & Vandecasteele, G. (2006). Compartmentation of cyclic nucleotide signaling in the heart: The role of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases. Circ Res 99, 816-828.
- Rochais, F. & Fischmeister, R. (2010). Acute cardiac effects of Neuregulin-1/ErbB signaling. Cardiovasc Res 88, 393-4.
- Mika, D., Leroy, J., Vandecasteele, G. & Fischmeister, R. (2012). PDEs create local domains of cAMP signaling. J Mol Cell Cardiol 52, 323-329.
- Guellich, A., Mehel, H. & Fischmeister, R. (2014). Cyclic AMP synthesis and degradation in the normal and failing heart. Pflügers Arch 466, 1163-1175.
- Leroy J, Vandecasteele G, Fischmeister R. (2018). Cyclic AMP signaling in cardiac myocytes. Curr Op Physiol. 1:161-171.
- Leroy J, Fischmeister R. (2018). Inhibit a phosphodiesterase to treat heart failure? This is the one. Circulation 138, 2003-2006.
- Maack C, Eschenhagen T, Hamdani N, Heinzel FR, Lyon AR, Manstein DJ, Metzger J, Papp Z, Tocchetti CG, Yilmaz MB, Anker SD, Balligand J-L, Bauersachs J, Brutsaert D, Carrier L, Chlopicki S, Cleland JG, de Boer RA, Dietl A, Fischmeister R, Harjola V-P, Heymans S, Hilfiker-Kleiner D, Holzmeister J, de Keulenaer G, Limongelli G, Linke WA, Lund LH, Masip J, Metra M, Mueller C, Pieske B, Ponikowski P, Ristić A, Ruschitzka F, Seferović PM, Skouri H, Zimmermann WH, Mebazaa A. (2019) Treatments targeting inotropy - A position paper of the Committees on Translational Research and Acute Heart Failure of the Heart Failure Association (HFA) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J 40, 3626-3644.
- Vandecasteele G, Mika D, Pidoux G, Fischmeister R. (2019) Compartimentation des nucléotides cycliques dans le coeur. In: "Biologie et pathologie du coeur et des vaisseaux", GRRC, éditions J. Libbey, pp. 47-54.
- Mika D, Fischmeister R. (2021) Cyclic nucleotide signaling and pacemaker activity. Prog Biophys Mol Biol. 166, 29-38.
- Petraina A, Nogales C, Krahn T, Mucke H, Luscher TF, Fischmeister R, Kass DA, Burnett JC, Hobbs AJ, Schmidt H. (2021) Cyclic GMP modulating drugs in cardiovascular diseases: Mechanism-based network pharmacology. Cardiovas Res. 2021:(in press).
- Kamel R, Leroy J, Vandecasteele G, Fischmeister R. (2022) Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases: Therapeutic targets in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure. Nature Reviews Cardiology (in press).
- INSERM Patent (FR 97 15 037; WO 99/28456): Splice variants for human 5-HT4 serotonin receptors and their applications, in particular for screening.
- CEREP/CNRS Patent (FR 01 02 431 ; WO 02/068399) : Aryl carbamate derivatives, preparation and use thereof.
- INSERM Patent (PCT/EP2013/069298, WO2014053315): Tetrahydroquinoline derivatives and their use as Epac inhibitors.
Scientific summary
Cardiac physiology - cardiovascular pharmacology - neuroendocrine regulation of heart function - cardiac electrophysiology - cyclic nucleotide signaling - intracellular compartmentation - molecular mechanisms of ion movement through ionic channels - cellular control of ion channels and active transport systems - pharmacology of cardiac ion channels.
The cyclic nucleotides (CN) cAMP and cGMP participate in the main regulations of cardiac function. They act as second messengers for sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, nitric oxide (NO) and natriuretic peptides. CN may exert beneficial or deleterious effects on the heart, depending on the duration of the stimulation. Acute elevation of CN regulate cardiac excitation-contraction coupling. However, chronic elevation of cAMP contributes to the development of cardiac hypertrophy and progression to heart failure (HF), while cGMP possesses anti-hypertrophic properties. Our work over the last years has been dedicated to understanding the intracellular organization of CN pathways, which we found are highly compartmentalized, and the changes occurring in pathophysiological situations. The general objective is to understand the molecular mechanisms responsible for the homeostasis of these two second messengers and the functional consequences for cellular and cardiac function. We developed novel electrophysiological and imaging techniques to record simultaneously cyclic nucleotide changes and key functional parameters of the cardiac cell.