Current position
Post-doctoral fellow: Pathogeny of Systemic Infections (INSERM U1002)
2009 - Ph.D in Microbiology & Symbiosis - Univ. Paris VI (FRANCE)
2006 - Master's degree in Microbiology Fundamental Bacteriology -Univ. Paris VI (France)
2005 - Diploma of General Microbiology - Institut Pasteur (France)
2004 - Bachelor's degree in Cellular Biology and Physiology - Univ. Paris VI (France)
After studying genetic diversity of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria associated with Lucinidae during my phD, i'm working now on factors implied in the virulence of Neisseria meningitidis. This work is divided into 2 axis:
(i) the study of type four pili classical virulence factor of Nm
(ii) the study of the MDA (meningococcal disease associated) island, a virulence factor specific of hyperinvasive strains of Nm