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  • Location : Grenoble, France
Last update 2015-09-17 10:33:07.326

Pascale Perret PhD Biomedical Engineering

Course and current status


- DEA on Biomedical Engineering – B.A. : Biology, Grenoble University of Sciences, 1996.

- PhD Thesis - "Laboratoire d’Etude des Radiopharmaceutiques", ESA CNRS 5077-LRC CEA 10. Subject: “Biological study of new [123]iodine labeled glucose analogues proposed as tracer of glucose uptake and validation in vivo of 6-iodo-6-deoxy-D-glucose (6DIG) proposed as a tracer of glucose transport. Scientific supervisor: Pr. D. Fagret, 1996-1999.

Professional experiences

- Postdoctoral fellow, Yale University School of Medicine, Dept. of Internal Medicine and Cellular and Molecular Physiology, New Haven, USA. Principal Investigator: G.I. Shulman (1999-2002).

- Postdoctoral fellow, "Radiopharmaceutiques Biocliniques" INSERM E340, Grenoble, Subject: "validation of 6DIG as a tracer of glucose transport in vivo and imaging on small animal" (2002-2005).

Current position

- CR1 Inserm, Permanent researcher position in "Radiopharmaceutiques Biocliniques" Laboratory (U1039) since October 2005, Grenoble.

- HDR (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches). "Insulinoresistance and nuclear medicine", Grenoble University of Sciences, 3 juin 2008.

- Authorisation for animal use (level 1): #38 11 23

- PCR (competent person in radioprotection) in the unit.

Scientific summary

Development and validation of new radiotracers: cellular evaluation, biodistribution and nuclear imaging (PET, SPECT) in small animal; in particular in the field of diabetes (glucid and lipid metabolism, insulin secretion).

Currently evaluating new radioactive compounds proposed to estimate in vivo the functional mass of beta cells within pancreas. SPECT studies in mice.

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