• E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : 09 75 20 93 21
  • Location : Castelginest, France
Last update 2011-02-01 19:07:54.348

Jeanne-Hélène di Donato PhD, Consultant in biobanks

Course and current status

Domains of expertise

  1. Quality Management  (ISO 9001-version 2000), certificate AFAQ-AFNOR n° AUIQ/043
  2. Biobank management  : 16 years of experiment in the creation and the management of biobanks and collections of human biological resources
  3. Data base : conception software for data management of human biological resources collections and patient registries
  4. Law : bioethic, biobanks and collections, right of patients, data protection

Professionnal Engagements

  1. Manager of 3C-R , consultant compagny for the biobanks and BRC
  2. Quality Coordinator for the French BRC Network (Inserm - 1st January 2007- 31 May 2009)
  3. Expert in collections and  biobanks  (for french ministries, AFNOR , l’INSERM)
  4. Member of "Comité Consultatif des Ressources Biologiques" of french  Research Ministry (since February 22nd, 2001)
  5. Member of French delegation for OECD : BRC Task Force (March 2003- December 2007)
  6. Member of Ethic committee for biological research (since 2008)
  7. Partenair of Eurobiobank, European Network of Biobanks for rare diseases (Eurobiobank : www.eurobiobank.org/en/partners/partners.htm# ) : Since 2002
  8. Member of P3G (Public population Project in Genomics) (Since May 2008)
  9. UNESCO expert in Bioethic (Database GEObs1)

Scientific summary

Expert on biological resources center (BRC or biobanks) and management of collection in area of human health

Image d’exemple