Associate professor at ENSG
Co-Responsable for the Master DeSIgeo
Research Engineer at INSERM & PhD at Paris Dauphine University LAMSADE
Wissal Benjra (2022 - 2025) "Lac de données et référentiels de métadonnées pour élaborer des indicateurs de développement durable de la ville à l’aide de l’open Big data. Application aux pratiques sportives en ville", supervised with Nicolas Travers, Benedicte bucher, Faten Atigui
Teacher Researcher at ENSG, Co-Responsable for the Master DeSIgeo
CIO (Chief Information Officer) at Paris Descartes University
Publications (not in PubMed) in dblp
Data lake and metadata repositories to develop city sustainability indicators using open Big Data. Applied to sports practices Conférence
GdR Madics, Troyes, 2023.
- Evaluation and Improvement of a Transition Business Process: A Case Study guided by a Semantic Quality-based Approach Virginie Thion, Malika Grim-Yefsah, Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux, Samira Si-Said Cherfi.Information Systems Management, Taylor & Francis: STM, Behavioural Science and Public Health Titles, 2015, pp.20
- Evaluation de la qualité d'un processus métier à l'aide d'informations issues de réseau sociaux, M. Grim-Yefsah , Camille Rosenthal-Sabroux , V. Thion-Gouasdoué, RSTI, vol. 15(6), pp. 66-83, 2010 Revue (PDF) DBLP
Malika Grim-Yefsah, Badamassi Jadi, Petiet Thibault, Vignais Arthur:
Modeling Sport Events Legacy based on Olympic Games. KMIS 2020: 219-225
Malika Grim-Yefsah, Bénédicte Bucher:
Towards Improving Knowledge Capitalization System for Sport Events Legacy. KMIS 2019: 264-270
- KMIS2014
a first step in improving the Requirements Engineering process by using the Knowledge Management perspective - Case study from French Public Institute Malika Grim-Yefsah
- KMIS2012
Knowledge Transfer in Practice : A Socio-Technical System For The Transition In Outsourcing, Malika Grim-Yefsah, Jérome Diaz DBLP
- KMIS2011
- Vers une optimisation de la diffusion de l'information dans une ville intelligente, Grim Yefsah M., Chachoua M., Jeantet L. (Inforsid ’2023) (Abstract)
- Evaluation d’un système d’information et de connaissance - De l’importance de la prise en compte de la connaissance, Arduin P.E., Doan Q.M., Grigori D., Grim Yefsah M., Negre E., Rosenthal-Sabroux C., Grundstein M., Thion-Goasdoué V. (Inforsid ’2012) (Abstract) DBLP
- OTM : Vers une méthode de transfert de connaissances lors de l’externalisation informatique M. Grim-Yefsah, C. Rosenthal-Sabroux, Michel Grundstein, Colloque GeCSO2011 4éme conférence francophone Clermont Ferrand (18-20 Mai 2011) PDF PGM
- Transfert de connaissances dans le cadre d’une démarche de réversibilité de la tierce maintenance applicative dans une entreprise étendue, M. Grim-Yefsah, C. Rosenthal-Sabroux, Michel Grundstein, Congrès INFORSID2010 28éme édition Marseille (25-28 Mai2010) PGM
- 2010 - 2011: Software Engineering / UML
IUT Informatique Université Paris Descates
- 2009 - 2010: Relational Databases
Université Paris Dauphine ( Licence3)
- 2007: Supervision of memory of Master at ENSTA PDF
- 2005 - 2006: Supersion of Student on BTS ( TP de dévelopement, Mémoire)
- 1994 - 2001: Algerian University
--> algorithms and languages Pascal, C, C++, Java
--> Software Engineering / Merise, UML
--> Relational Databases
- 1990 - 1994: Algerian University
--> Data processing initiation
--> Data processing introduction
Transfer and Knowledge Sharing between companies
Our research examines the transition stage, which starts immediatly after take decison to switch vendors or to backsource an IT outsourcing project.
This transition stage involves the critical transfer of knowledge, experience and routines related to outsourced activities from the client to the vendor firm. We focus on the transition due to its significance for outsourcing success, its complexity and theoretical richness, and its limited current understanding.
---> thesis (PDF)