My academic and professional career has focused on public health issues related to improving public information and awareness of prevention and promotion of global health. I coordinated a national program to develop information and dialogue guides for cancer patients and their loved ones, the SOR SAVOIR Patient program of the National Federation of Cancer Centers (now UNICANCER Group), and developed, with a multidisciplinary team, innovative methodologies integrating evidence-based medicine data and patients preferences (using focus groups, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires).
For the past ten years, I have been interested in new information and education tools for the public on the emerging theme of cancer in relation to environmental, professional or behavioral factors. Through the development of innovative digital tools (websites, digital exhibitions, webinars, quizzes, social network campaigns...), my activities at the Léon Bérard Cancer Center aim at reinforcing the primary prevention of cancers and at accompanying all the public towards informative or educational resources of reference. These activities respond to the challenges of the various public health plans at the regional and national levels, such as the environmental health plan, the nutrition and health plan and the cancer control strategy.
As a member of several learned societies, including the Société Française Santé Environnement (SFSE) and the Société Française de Santé Publique (SFSP), I am also involved in several working groups (HAS, Ministry of Health, etc.) and research projects, notably on :
- analysis of individual perception of cancer risks in relation to the environment,
- information seeking behaviors and decision support tools
- the place of users in the organization of care in the shift to ambulatory cancer care - cancer care pathways for people in precarious situations
I am currently a researcher at P2S (Parcours Santé Systémique) laboratory at the Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University (
I currently works as a public health project manager at the Centre national des soins palliatifs et de la fin de vie (, coordinating several actions under the national palliative care and end-of-life support plan, and co-directing thesis projects.
My first research work focused on quality criteria for information to patients with cancer and the participation of patients in the development of information that concerns them.
I was able to evaluate the national evidence-based program SOR SAVOIR Patient (public healh thesis defended in 2013).
Then, I got involved in innovative clinical research on adapted physical activity with women followed for breast cancer (PASAPAS Study, Centre Léon Bérard).
I coordinated the PREVAPAJA study for the prevention of second cancer risks in adolescents and young adults with cancer.
I am currently participating in interventional research on returning to work after breast cancer (Fastracs, 490214) and involved in a study of perceptions and knowledge of endocrine disruptors in schools (COPE ADOS, Saint-Etienne University).
I am co-directing two thesis projects (public health and ethics) on issues of user participation in palliative care in primary care and on the question of consent to care in pediatric oncology.