Mathieu GUIDERE PhD. Psycholinguistics, The Sorbonne, France

Course and current status

Prof. Mathieu Guidere has completed his PhD in Psyholinguistics from The Sorbonne University (Paris, France), and was ranked first in the French national competition (Agrégation) in languages.

He also has an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches) diploma, Accreditation to Supervise Doctoral Research, in Natural Language Processing (NLP) from the University of Lyon (France).

He has held professorships at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy, France (2003 to 2007),  the University of Geneva, Switzerland (2007 to 2011), and the University of Toulouse, France (2011–2016).

Since 2016, he has been Tenure professor at the University of Paris VII (France) and Research director at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM, France).


Positions chronology:

Research Director at the French National Institute of Health (2018-now)

Professor (tenure) at the University of Paris, France (2016-2018)

Professor (tenure) at the University of Toulouse, France (2011-2016)

Professor (tenure) at the University of Geneva, Switzerland (2007-2011)

Professor (tenure) at the Saint-Cyr Military Academy, France (2003-2007)

Scientific summary

Scientific summary:

Prof. Mathieu Guidere is the founder of the predictive linguistics in 2006 while he was professor at the French Military Academy of Saint-Cyr and director of the Strategic Information Analysis Unit. He applied his methodology to military psychology, and especially to PTSD early detection.

In 2007, he joined the University of Geneva (Switzerland), where he was professor of Translation Studies and Multilingual Monitoring. During his professorship there (2007-2011), he implemented predictive linguistics and he was the co-inventor of two international Patents on Cognitive Computing, that enabled him to establish leading academic programs directed to solve mental health disorders.

After that he joined the MIT Mind Machine Project as an external collaborator and published many articles on NLP  (Natural Language Processing) applied to psychology.

By the end of 2012, the field had attracted the attention of many researchers and started to grow. He has been keynote speaker at the International First Responder Military Symposium, and the organizer of the First Euro-US Symposium on Psycholinguistics and PTSD.

In 2015, he published a book in French that summarizes his work on predictive linguistics (La Linguistique predictive: de la cognition à l’action), discussing the role of psycholinguistic markers in the prediction of violent actions and psychotrauma.

In 2022, Mathieu Guidere published (in collaboration with French psychiatrist, Pr. Louis Jehel) a book on "Pyschotraumatology: the Words of Trauma" (Paris : Editions Lavoisier) in which he applied predictive linguistic and AI large language models to common issues of mental health.

In 2024, he published a new work in collaboration with Dr. Louis Jehel on Inner Language in Psychotherapy (Le Langage intérieur en psychothérapie), in which he applies predictive models to the inner speech of people in suffering to facilitate the treatment of their disorders in their mother tongue.

His other publications in the field include : La Psychocriminologie aujourd’hui (2023, in French) and The Language Within: Exploring Mental Health through Predictive Linguistics (published in English, in 2024).


Selective Bibliography :

The Language Within: Exploring Mental Health through Predictive Linguistics.

Le Langage intérieur en psychothérapie, Paris, Éditions Dunod. Collection Psychothérapies.

Psychotraumatologie : les mots du trauma, Paris, Éditions Lavoisier. Collection Psychiatrie en pratique.

Le traitement de la parole dans les interventions post-catastrophe, in Elsevier : SFMC, Médecine de Catastrophe – Urgences Collectives. Speech support in post-disaster interventions. DOI : 10.1016/j.pxur.2024.01.001.

Solutions numériques en Psychotraumatologie, Paris : EMC-Psychiatrie, Elsevier. [37-700-A-50]. DOI : 10.1016/S0246-1072(23)47703-6

Adultes victimes de traumatismes psychiques. Aspects cliniques et médico-légaux. Paris : EMC-Psychiatrie, Elsevier. 37-700-A-40.

L’Éco-anxiété des nouvelles générations : que faire ?, in Elsevier : SFMC, Médecine de Catastrophe – Urgences Collectives. Addressing eco-anxiety in young generations: What can be done? DOI : 10.1016/j.pxur.2024.03.001.

Pour une éco-psychiatrie du risque radio-nucléaire : méthodes et outils, in Médecine de Catastrophe – Urgences Collectives. Vol 7. N° 2. pp. 146-152, juin 2023. Towards an eco-psychiatry of radio-nuclear risk: Methods and tools. DOI : 10.1016/j.pxur.2023.01.006.

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