Virginie Rondeau works as a director of research in Biostatistics at the INSERM institute in Bordeaux (France) since 2015. She is supervisor of Master, engineer, PhD student, and Post doctorat Fellowships. She is teaching on different topics (one course on advanced survival analysis, in the Master of Biostatistics, Bordeaux, ISPED, France), national intensive courses for adults and international intensive courses on joint and frailty models (Karolinska Institute, Sweden; ISCB conference).
Joint Models for recurrent events and competing risks (e.g. death) was my main research topic recently and the development of joint models for longitudinal markers and/or multiple times-to-event.This research axis focuses mainly on the development of models for time-to-event data taking account of incomplete and/or correlated observations. These models cover a wide field of event history analysis from survival models for truncated and/or censored data, with or without interval-censoring. Both parametric and semi-parametric penalized likelihood approaches were implemented. The developed methods were mainly applied to study recurrences of cancer. I supervised several PhD students on this topic and initiated new international collaborations for that. I wanted to invest a great effort in the dissemination of these statistical methods for biostatisticians but also for epidemiologists and clinicians. This is why I worked on their implementation in the R-package “FRAILTYPACK” and gave international course on that topic. I had the ability to successfully collaborate with local and international clinical and statistical researchers (e.g. Sebastien Haneuse and Ina Jazic from Haward, Boston, USA; Bernard Rachet, from the London school of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK; Takeshi Emura, from the National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan; Laurent Briollais, from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Ontario). I have an ongoing participation in professional statistical societies, including (International Biometric Society, International Society for Clinical Biostatistics).